Assistant Professor in City Science

Jeune diplômé(e)
Postuler avant 31/12/2020
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Since 1885, JUNIA has been training engineers in more than 50 industries: building, IT, electronics, mechanics, energy, chemistry, medical, robotics, agriculture, agri-food, environment, finance, entrepreneurship, etc...

With close to 5,000 students in the three engineering courses HEI, ISA, and ISEN, more than 450 employees, a network of more than 28,000 alumni, campuses in Lille, Châteauroux, Bordeaux and Rabat (Morocco), JUNIA is a leader in engineering training in Europe with more than 350 partnerships with universities abroad and more than 2,500 company partnerships.

It has 3 main activities: training, research, and development/expertise for the economic world, and is recognized for its know-how in innovation and its transdisciplinary approaches.

Junia is recruiting a Assistant Professor in City Science

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Junia invites applications for a full-time permanent position as Lecturer or Assistant Professor in City Science.
The successful applicant will join the Building and urban environment Department (BUE).
He/She is expected to teach in the Smart & resilient Cities Master Program. This program is organized in three majors (namely “Building Science”, “Sustainable Urbanism” and “Urban innovation”) and a workshop focusing on both building and neighborhood scales.
He/She will contribute to develop the existing teaching content with the head of the program. He/She will participate to the coordination of the teaching programs and their evolution in an international perspective. He/She will supervise students during internships, technical projects and R&D projects. Participation to R&D programs driven by industrial partners is also expected.
He/she will made part of the smart & resilient cities teaching and research team. Research activities will be performed on the environmental as well as social and cultural issues in cities, provides solutions with the multidisciplinary and multiscale approach in engineering, architectural science, urban planning, architectural design, and social science. The successful applicant will contribute to research topics related to urban, architectural and engineering issues at different scales.

Profil recherché

Applicants should hold a PhD.

He/She should:
- be fluent in English as a working language in both research and teaching.
- show commitment to teaching.
- show ability to work as a team.

Full-time, permanent position, based in Lille, with salary according to level of experience.

Postulez avant le 31/12/2020

Par mail :
Ruiz-Bowen Ana, Responsable Building and Urban Environnement

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