Job vacancy: Project Manager (enabling frameworks)

Jeune diplômé(e)
Postuler avant 30/08/2020

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Qui sommes-nous ? is a growing network of 1.500 European citizens energy cooperatives (REScoops) who jointly produce about 1.500 million kWh and represent over 1 million European citizens who are active in the energy transition. As a federation, we follow up on relevant policy issues and represent the voice of renewable energy cooperatives towards European policy makers. We support the start-up of new initiatives and provide services to our members. While our team represents a variety of different nationalities, our working language is English.

Plus d'informations sur notre site internet.


The European federation of citizens energy cooperatives ( is currently looking for a Project Manager to join its team. The position will be based in Brussels or Antwerp (Belgium). You will represent in three European projects that aim to design enabling frameworks for energy communities in different EU Member States, gain better understanding of different storage solutions and explore how citizens and energy communities can take up a more active role in the energy system. Your main responsibilities will include:
- Screening policy framework conditions and making policy recommendations
- Researching cases of energy communities that provide storage solutions
- Facilitating exchange with relevant actors in the energy system including TSO’s and DSO’s
- Supporting the overall communication and dissemination of the project results

Profil recherché

- You have an excellent understanding of the European institutional processes for energy regulations and norms. Any country-specific knowledge from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain or Portugal is a plus.
- You can assess and design enabling policy frameworks in which energy communities can thrive and prosper.
- You are familiar with the European policy agenda on energy communities.
- You know what energy storage solutions are and you feel comfortable liaising with our members to gain better understanding of the different models and storage solutions that they bring forward.
- You have a sound knowledge about the energy system, the different actors and the related market operations.

Project Management
- You have excellent project management skills. You know how to deliver the tasks described in the grant agreement through effective collaboration with consortium partners and team members, and within the respective deadline. You deliver the project within the assigned budget.
- You can collaborate with people from other organisations and reach agreements. You are willing to take responsibility and capable of delivering work that complies to high quality standards.
- You can identify, write and contribute to new project proposals.

Representation / Facilitation
- You can communicate the results of the project and its outcome to the team, the board, our network of energy cooperatives and external stakeholders. You have excellent presentation skills and feel comfortable speaking in public.
- You can set up and facilitate workshops, focus groups and collective discussions. You are able to coordinate a group and deliver concrete results out of a group discussion.
- You can represent the interest of our members and strengthen the position of our federation to various stakeholders. You can write clear reports, you have negotiation skills and know how to advocate for community energy, renewable energy and energy efficiency.
- You make a professional impression when participating to meetings and you feel comfortable in various networks of people and projects.

- You are interested in innovative projects on energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainability and cooperatives.
- You are flexible and proactive. You are capable of taking on responsibilities and interested in continuous learning.
- You are a team player and believe in the values of cooperatives.
- Entrepreneurial: you are a leader and capable of mobilising others to take on projects.
- Creative: you can find solutions to complex situations, and bring together common points in different situations in order create parallels.
- You have strong analytical skills, you are able to research, analyse and synthesise sources on an unknown topic.

Other skills/education
- You are fluent in English - knowledge of Dutch, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish or Portuguese is an asset.
- You have a Master’s degree (or you can be considered equally by experience).
- You have at least 5 years of relevant work experience in a comparable position.


A permanent contract (in Belgium)
- A challenging job in a progressive and dynamic environment.
- An opportunity to make a difference in the European energy system.
- Opportunities to travel throughout Europe and extend your knowledge and network.
- Autonomy to organise your work and flexible working conditions.
- A competitive remuneration package

Send your application by August 30th, 2020(17h or 5PM-CET) to

Your application should include the following items:
- Curriculum Vitae in English;
- Comprehensive argumentation in English, briefly explaining your vision on the role of citizen organisations can play in the European energy system and how to design an enabling framework in which energy communities can thrive and prosper. Please keep your paper under 1,5 pages.
- The contact details of two references, preferably former employers, supervisors or tutors (if applicable).
- Please use the following reference in your application e-mail: “Project Manager – Enabling Frameworks”

Postulez avant le 30/08/2020

Par mail :
Vansintjan Dirk, Manager

Par internet :

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